Tara Jacobsen, Your Artsy Fartsy Besty!

Have you ever wished that you had a crafting fairy godmother to help you learn ALL THE THINGS? Well, you just met her... she is me!

Here are a few of my details

❥ I am called Grandberry by my two grandbabies! (my favorite)

❥ My hubs and I adopted three amazing kids from foster care years ago... they are my world!

❥ I am a dog and cat mom

❥ I was always "artistic" but never considered myself an "artist" until my 50s

How Did I Become An "Artist"

So first off, my father-in-law is a "real" artist. He has had shows, lived in NYC and visited ALL the museums. Heck he was an art teacher for 35 years. I knew for SURE he was an artist.

Then I noticed that many of the gals teaching online were "artists". They had gone to some fancy pants art school and talked about art theory and the "right" way to do art.

Well, after I turned 50 and my kids got old enough to amuse themselves, I headed back into my art room (maybe my first clue should have been I have a room dedicated to my art supplies!)

And I started doing magazine collages... like one a day for a year on my Youtube channel... ack!

At that point I was still not sure I was an "artist" but enough people followed me to make me feel a little bit better about it all.

And now we are to today... after teaching hundreds of gals to make art I figured it out!

If you make ANY kind of art at all... YOU ARE AN ARTIST!

The reason I started making these classes was that so many of the gals that are on my email list felt bad about the art they were making.

They felt like it wasn't "good enough" or no one ever said they liked it (if you are waiting for your loved ones and husband to like your art, you are going to be waiting a LONG time... hahaha)

So I started making classes for women like us... the ones that want to make easy and fun art that is a little weird, maybe not the "normal" kind of art, but art we love!

If you are ready to start making art (or learn new techniques) make sure to....

© 2023 All Rights Reserved, Tara L. Jacobsen, PA